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Home.. Tin Whistle Lessons.. Mandolin Lessons



The Basics...Hand Positions...The D Scale

mandolin beginners

Excercises...Beginners's Tunes...Quiztime



















The Basics
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There are 4 pairs of strings on the mandolin. Every pair are the same note so we say there are 4 strings on the mandolin.

The highest sounding string is called the first string, the second highest is called the second string and so on.

Mandolin parts

You press a string with a finger of one hand onto the fretboard and strike the string with a plectrum with the other hand.

By twisting the pegs away from you the note becomes higher. Twist it the otherway and the note becomes lower. By twisting the pegs one can tune the mandolin.We will look at tuning later on in the course.







Holding The Mandolin



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mandolin hand position



This is the correct way to hold the mandolin with your weaker hand.

Note the position of the thumb and the straight angle of the finger pressing on the fretboard.




The D scale


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mandolin D scale


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First Exercises

Exercise No. 1

Strike the second string downwards with the plectrum.

You have just played the note D. Now play E by striking the same string downwards with your finger pressing down on the second fret.

Look at the picture above to see where you should press. Now try the other notes in the scale - D, E, F#, G, A, B, C#, D'.

It should sound like this.mandolin D scale






Exercise No. 2

When you can play the scale from D to D' without looking at the picture above, it is time to try and play the scale backwards ie. from D' to D.

Don't fotget about the open strings on the way back!!

Now try to play the scale of D upwards and backwards.

It should sound like this:Mandolin D scale up and down


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It's now time to play your first tune, Twinkle Twinkle.

Listen to the tune first and then try the first line. When you can play the first line listen to the tune again and then try the next line and so on.

Go To First Mandolin Tunes

















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